The ReGroup: November ’18
Dec 04, 2018
November All-Star
Our November All-Star is Nancy Gonzales at the San Antonio Spurs!

Outing Type: Cyber Monday Offers
Nancy took advantage of Cyber Monday by sending out open inventory Groupmatics offers to larger corporate accounts to help move inventory for a few lower demand games. A couple hundred tickets sold for $3,700 in revenue.
Nancy has had success in running a wide variety of groups and theme nights through Groupmatics this season, accounting for $150k+ in overall revenue.
Team Leaders
Learn from the best! Check out what these superstars did and how they did it.

Mike Johnson, Erie Otters (CHL)
Scout Night Arena Sleepover
Mike used outing questions to ask buyers if their group would be sleeping over, how many people would be sleeping over, and how many scout patches were needed. Fundraising money was conveniently distributed directly back to the group via our e-checks. 531 tickets sold for $7k.

Madison Holesko, Orlando Magic (NBA)
Open Inventory Performance Group
Pregame performance sold 372 tickets for $11k in revenue. Additional revenue may be uncovered within the resulting 32 opt-ins.

Patrick Ward, Harlem Globetrotters
Open Inventory Performance Group
The Globetrotters have been involving dance group performances into their offers. Energy Dance Company out of Utah is the most recent success selling 370 tickets for $11,568.

Eddie Valestin, Boston College
Alumni Offer
New England area Clemson alumni did a great job promoting their Clemson vs. Boston College football outing with sales coming from multiple channels including Facebook, Twitter, and the direct URL. 550 tickets sold for $30k in revenue.

Hunter Ballam, Utah Jazz (NBA)
Open Inventory Alumni Offer
Utah State University held their first Aggie Night with the Jazz this season. The outing was such a success that the Alumni Association has already talked about making it an annual event. 754 tickets sold for $21k in revenue.
Training Days